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Volume 12, Number 6—June 2006

Dengue Prevention and 35 Years of Vector Control in Singapore

Eng-Eong Ooi*Comments to Author , Kee-Tai Goh†, and Duane J. Gubler‡
Author affiliations: *DSO National Laboratories, Singapore; †Ministry of Health, Singapore; ‡University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Main Article

Figure 2

Proportion of indigenous dengue fever cases in patients <15 or >25 years of age, Singapore, 1977–2004. Indigenous cases are those that were acquired locally, among permanent and temporary residents of Singapore. Data were obtained from Communicable Disease Surveillance in Singapore, an annual publication of the Ministry of the Environment until 2002 and the Ministry of Health since 2003.

Figure 2. Proportion of indigenous dengue fever cases in patients <15 or >25 years of age, Singapore, 1977–2004. Indigenous cases are those that were acquired locally, among permanent and temporary residents of Singapore. Data were obtained from Communicable Disease Surveillance in Singapore, an annual publication of the Ministry of the Environment until 2002 and the Ministry of Health since 2003.

Main Article

Page created: January 04, 2012
Page updated: January 04, 2012
Page reviewed: January 04, 2012
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