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Volume 17, Number 3—March 2011

Nontuberculous Mycobacteria in Respiratory Tract Infections, Eastern Asia

Sami SimonsComments to Author , Jakko van Ingen, Po-Ren Hsueh, Nguyen Van Hung, P.N. Richard Dekhuijzen, Martin J. Boeree, and Dick van Soolingen
Author affiliations: Author affiliations: Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, the Netherlands (S. Simons, J. van Ingen, P.N.R. Dekhuijzen, M.J. Boeree); National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM),; Bilthoven, the Netherlands (J. van Ingen, D. van Soolingen); National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan (P.-R. Hsueh); National Hospital of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases, Hanoi, Vietnam (N.V. Hung)

Main Article

Table 1

Nontuberculous mycobacteria isolated in Asia, 1971–2007*

Species Before 1990
(n = 1,205)† After 1990
(n = 7,614)†
Mycobacterium abscessus X
M. aichiense X
M. asiaticum X
M. avium complex X X
M. celatum X
M. chelonae X X
M. flavescens X X
M. fortuitum X X
M. gastri X X
M. gordonae X X
M hemophilum X
M. kansasii X X
M. malmoense X
M. marinum X X
M. neoarum X
M. parafortuitum X
M. phlei X X
M. scrofulaceum X X
M. simiae X X
M. smegmatis X X
M. szulgai X X
M. terrae X X
M. tokaiense X
M. triviale X X
M. thermophilum X
M. thermoresistibile X
M. ulcerans X
M. vaccae X X
M. xenopi X X

*Data derived from references 4–33. X, isolated; –, not isolated.
†Proportions of identification methods used (biochemical:molecular) 6:1 before 1990, 5:8 after 1990.

Main Article

Page created: July 25, 2011
Page updated: July 25, 2011
Page reviewed: July 25, 2011
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