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Volume 22, Number 7—July 2016

Infection with Possible Novel Parapoxvirus in Horse, Finland, 2013

Niina AirasComments to Author , Maria Hautaniemi, Pernilla Syrjä, Anna Knuuttila, Niina Putkuri1, Lesley Coulter, Colin J. McInnes, Olli Vapalahti, Anita Huovilainen, and Paula M. Kinnunen2
Author affiliations: University of Helsinki Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Helsinki, Finland (N. Airas, P. Syrjä, A. Knuuttila, O. Vapalahti, P.M. Kinnunen); Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira, Helsinki (M. Hautaniemi, A. Huovilainen); Haartman Institute, University of Helsinki, Helsinki (N. Putkuri, O. Vapalahti, P.M. Kinnunen); Moredun Research Institute, Penicuik, UK (L. Coulter, C.J. McInnes); Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki (O. Vapalahti)

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Figure 2

Phylogenetic analyses of sequences amplified from skin lesion of horse infected with possible novel parapoxvirus, Finland, 2013 (poxvirus variant F14.1158H), and other poxviruses. Trees were generated by using the neighbor-joining method in MEGA 6 software ( (12), based on A) 184 aa of envelope phospholipase gene and B) 195 aa of viral RNA polymerase gene RP0147. GenBank accession numbers for sequences used in the analyses: JF773701 (Orf virus [ORFV] F07.821R), JF7737

Figure 2. Phylogenetic analyses of sequences amplified from skin lesion of horse infected with possible novel parapoxvirus, Finland, 2013 (poxvirus variant F14.1158H), and other poxviruses. Trees were generated by using the neighbor-joining method in MEGA 6 software ( (12), based on A) 184 aa of envelope phospholipase gene and B) 195 aa of viral RNA polymerase gene RP0147. GenBank accession numbers for sequences used in the analyses: JF773701 (Orf virus [ORFV] F07.821R), JF773703 (ORFV F09.1160S), AY386263 (ORFV IA82), AY386264 (ORFV SA00), DQ184476 (ORFV NZ2), GQ329670 (pseudocowpox virus [PCPV] VR634), JF773695 (PCPV F10.3081C), JF773692 (PCPV F07.798R), GQ329669 (PCPV F00.120R), AY453655 (parapoxvirus of red deer in New Zealand [PVNZ] DPV), AY453664 (bovine papular stomatitis virus [BPSV] V660), AY386265 (BPSV AR02), AF414182 (sealpoxvirus [SPV]), U60315 (molluscum contagiosum virus [MOCV] subtype 1), HE601899 (squirrelpox virus [SQPV] red squirrel UK), GQ902051.1 (PCPV 07012), GQ902054.1 (BPSV 07005), KM491712 (2013_013), and KM491713 (2012_037). The final 2 sequences originated from recent cases in humans with equine contacts in the United States (7). The reliability of the trees was determined by 1,000 dataset bootstrap resampling; the percentage of replicate trees in which the associated taxa clustered together is shown in the branches. Scale bars indicate amino acid substitutions per site.

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1Current affiliation: Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland.

2Current affiliation: Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira, Helsinki, Finland.

Page created: June 14, 2016
Page updated: June 14, 2016
Page reviewed: June 14, 2016
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