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Volume 23, Number 10—October 2017
Research Letter

Spread of Chikungunya Virus East/Central/South African Genotype in Northeast Brazil

Antonio Charlys da Costa1, Julien Thézé1, Shirley Cavalcante Vasconcelos Komninakis, Rodrigo Lopes Sanz-Duro, Marta Rejane Lemos Felinto, Lúcia Cristina Corrêa Moura, Ivoneide Moreira de Oliveira Barroso, Lucineide Eliziario Correia Santos, Mardjane Alves de Lemos Nunes, Adriana Avila Moura, José Lourenço, Xutao Deng, Eric Delwart, Maria Raquel dos Anjos Silva Guimarães, Oliver G. Pybus, Ester C. SabinoComments to Author , and Nuno R. FariaComments to Author 
Author affiliations: University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil (A.C. da Costa, E.C. Sabino); University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (J. Thézé, J. Lourenço, O.G. Pybus, N.R. Faria); School of Medicine of ABC (FMABC), Santo Andre, Brazil (S.C.V. Komninakis); Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo (S.C.V. Komninakis, R.L. Sanz-Duro); Laboratório Central de Saúde Pública Dra. Telma Lobo, Secretaria de Estado da Saúde da Paraíba, João Pessoa, Brazil (M.R.L. Felinto, L.C.C. Moura); Hospital Unimed Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil (I.M. de Oliveira Barroso, L.E.C. Santos, M.R. dos Anjos Silva Guimarães); Hospital Escola Dr. Helvio Auto, Alagoas (M.A. de Lemos Nunes, A.A. Moura); Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Maceió, Brazil (A.A. Moura); Blood Systems Research Institute, San Francisco, California, USA (X. Deng, E.L. Delwart); University of California, San Francisco, California, USA (X. Deng, E.L. Delwart)

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Epidemiologic and genetic surveillance of CHIKV in Northeast Brazil. A) Notified CHIKV cases for Alagoas State (Maceió municipality), Paraíba State (João Pessoa municipality), and Feira de Santana (FSA) and Salvador (SAL) municipalities (3), both located in the Bahia state. B) Molecular clock phylogeny obtained using 23 novel CHIKV sequences (with length >4,000 nt) collected in Northeast Brazil (dashed box). Numbers along branches represent clade posterior probability >0.75. Colors in bran

Figure. Epidemiologic and genetic surveillance of CHIKV in Northeast Brazil. A) Notified CHIKV cases for Alagoas state (Maceió municipality), Paraíba state (João Pessoa municipality), and Feira de Santana (FSA) and Salvador (SAL) municipalities (3), both located in the Bahia state. B) Molecular clock phylogeny obtained using 23 novel CHIKV sequences (with length >4,000 nt) collected in Northeast Brazil (dashed box). Numbers along branches represent clade posterior probability >0.75. Colors in branches represent most probable locations. At each node, size of the colored circles is proportional to location posterior probability. Inset shows a maximum-likelihood phylogeny with all publicly available CHIKV genome sequences (n = 659). The Indian Ocean Lineage (IOL) genotype has been collapsed. Triangles represent clades circulating in the Americas; the American-ECSA lineage reported in this study is shown in red and the American-Asian lineage in blue. CHIKV, chikungunya virus; ECSA, East/Central/South African genotype; WAfr, West African genotype.

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1These authors contributed equally to this article.

Page created: September 19, 2017
Page updated: September 19, 2017
Page reviewed: September 19, 2017
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