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Volume 24, Number 11—November 2018
Research Letter

Estimating Latent Tuberculosis Infection Using Interferon-γ Release Assay, Japan

Tomoyasu NishimuraComments to Author , Masaki Ota, Masaaki Mori, Naoki Hasegawa, Hiroshi Kawabe, and Seiya Kato
Author affiliations: Keio University, Tokyo, Japan (T. Nishimura, M. Mori, H. Kawabe); Research Institute of Tuberculosis—Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association, Tokyo (M. Ota, S. Kato); Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo (N. Hasegawa)

Main Article


Characteristics and IGRA results of participants in a study of latent TB infection, Japan, 2016–2017*

Characteristic IGRA positive, no. (%, 95% CI), n = 8 IGRA negative, no., n = 169 p value†
F 5 (5.1, 1.7–11.5) 93 0.733
3 (3.8, 0.79–10.7)

Age, y
20–29 6 (3.9, 1.4–8.3) 148 0.278
2 (8.7, 1.1–28.0)

TB incidence rate in country of origin
<100 cases/100,000 population 3 (2.4, 0.49–6.7) 124 0.042‡
>100 cases/100,000 population
5 (10.0, 3.3–21.8)

Time living in Japan, y
<1 5 (3.4, 1.1–7.9) 140 0.158
>1 3 (9.4, 2.0–25.0) 29

*IGRA, interferon-γ release assay; TB, tuberculosis.
†Differences between positive and negative groups were tested using Fisher exact test.

Main Article

Page created: October 16, 2018
Page updated: October 16, 2018
Page reviewed: October 16, 2018
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