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Volume 25, Number 8—August 2019

Novel Virus Related to Kaposi’s Sarcoma–Associated Herpesvirus from Colobus Monkey

Akshay Dhingra, Tina Ganzenmueller, Elias Hage, Nicolás M. Suárez, Kerstin Mätz-Rensing, Dimitri Widmer, Stefan Pöhlmann, Andrew J. Davison1Comments to Author , Thomas F. Schulz1Comments to Author , and Artur Kaul1
Author affiliations: Hannover Medical School Institute of Virology, Hannover, Germany (A. Dhingra, T. Ganzenmueller, E. Hage, T.F. Schulz); German Centre for Infection Research, Hannover-Braunschweig Site, Germany (A. Dhingra, T. Ganzenmueller, E. Hage, T.F. Schulz); University Hospital Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany (T. Ganzenmueller); MRC–University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research, Glasgow, Scotland, UK (N.M. Suárez, A.J. Davison); German Primate Center–Leibniz Institute for Primate Research, Göttingen, Germany (K. Mätz-Rensing, S. Pöhlmann, A. Kaul); Zoo Dresden GmbH, Dresden, Germany (D. Widmer); University Göttingen, Göttingen (S. Pöhlmann)

Main Article

Figure 1

Identification of primary effusion lymphoma and immunohistochemical staining of primary effusion lymphoma cells with Kaposi’s sarcoma–associated herpesvirus latent nuclear-associated antigen (LANA)–specific antibody. A) Diffuse infiltration of the pleura pulmonalis and pleural space with pleomorphic round cells resembling primary effusion lymphoma. Hematoxylin and eosin stain; scale bar indicates 400 μm. B) The neoplastic cells are lymphocytic cells of B cell origin. CD20 immunohistochemistry; s

Figure 1. Identification of primary effusion lymphoma and immunohistochemical staining of primary effusion lymphoma cells with Kaposi’s sarcoma–associated herpesvirus latent nuclear-associated antigen (LANA)–specific antibody. A) Diffuse infiltration of the pleura pulmonalis and pleural space with pleomorphic round cells resembling primary effusion lymphoma. Hematoxylin and eosin stain; scale bar indicates 400 μm. B) The neoplastic cells are lymphocytic cells of B cell origin. CD20 immunohistochemistry; scale bar indicates 400 μm. C) Numerous neoplastic cells express the proliferation marker Ki67. Ki67 immunohistochemistry; scale bar indicates 400 μm. D) Typical nuclear expression of a protein related to Kaposi’s sarcoma–associated herpesvirus LANA in neoplastic cells. LANA immunohistochemistry; scale bar indicates 200 μm.

Main Article

1These authors contributed equally to this article.

Page created: July 16, 2019
Page updated: July 16, 2019
Page reviewed: July 16, 2019
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