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Volume 27, Number 8—August 2021

Costs and Outcomes of Integrated Human African Trypanosomiasis Surveillance System Using Rapid Diagnostic Tests, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Rian SnijdersComments to Author , Alain Fukinsia, Yves Claeys, Epco Hasker, Alain Mpanya, Erick Miaka, Filip Meheus, and Marleen Boelaert1
Author affiliations: Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel, Switzerland (R. Snijders); University of Basel, Basel (R. Snijders); Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium (R. Snijders, Y. Claeys, E. Hasker, M. Boelaert); Programme National de Lutte contre la Trypanosomiase Humaine Africaine, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo (A. Fukinsia, A. Mpanya, E. Miaka); International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France (F. Meheus)

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Table 1

Number of facilities able to perform passive case detection of human African trypanosomiasis per health district before and after implementing the intervention, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2017–2018 (25)

District and type of facility Before the intervention
After the intervention
Serologic screening* Parasitologic diagnosis† Serologic screening Parasitologic diagnosis
Hospital‡ 1 1 2 2
Health center

Yasa Bonga
Hospital 3 3 4 3
Health center

Total 5 5 48 11

*Sleeping sickness rapid diagnostic tests †Lymph gland puncture, mini anion exchange centrifugation test, and lumbar puncture. ‡Reference or secondary hospital.

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Page created: June 10, 2021
Page updated: July 18, 2021
Page reviewed: July 18, 2021
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