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Volume 7, Number 3—June 2001

Presence of Class I Integrons in Multidrug-Resistant, Low-Prevalence Salmonella Serotypes, Italy

Antonino Nastasi* and Caterina Mammina†Comments to Author 
Author affiliations: *University of Florence, Florence, Italy,; †University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy

Main Article

Table 2

Phenotypic and molecular characteristics of multidrug-resistant and class I integron carrying strains of Salmonella

Serotype Year and source of isolation Resistance pattern Plasmid pattern (mDa) Integron sizes (kb) Resistance pattern of recipient Escherichia coli Integron sizes (kb) of E. coli
Derby 1997 Human Ap Cm Sm Su Tc Tp Gm 120b 2.0 Ap Cm Sm Su Tc Tp 2.0
Newport 1997 Human Ap Cm Sm Su Tc Tp Gm 120 2.0 Ap Cm Sm Su Tc Tp 2.0
Paratyphi B 1997 Tropical fishes Ap Cm Sm Su Tc 1.2, 1.0
Saintpaul 1997 Poultry Ap Cm Sm Su Tc Tp 120 1.8 Ap Cm Sm Su Tc Tp 1.8
Sandiego 1997 Poultry Ap Cm Sm Su Tc Tp Kf 1.4
Anatum 1998 Food (not specified) Ap Sm Su Tc Tp F 1.8
Blockley 1998 River water Cm SmSu Tc Tp F Na 1.8, 1.0
Brandenburga 1998 Human Cm Sm Su Tc Tp 120 1.0 Cm Sm Su Tc Tp 1.0
Livingstone 1998 River water Ap Cm Sm Su Tc Tp 120 1.8 Ap Cm Sm Su Tc Tp 1.8
Ohio 1998 River water Ap Cm Sm Su Tc Tp 120 1.8 Ap Cm Sm Su Tc Tp 1.8
Ohio 1998 Swine Ap Sm Su Tc Tp 120 1.6 Ap Sm Su Tc Tp 1.6
Panama 1998 Swine Ap Cm Sm Su Tc Tp 120 1.8 Ap Cm Sm Su Tc Tp 1.8
Saintpaul 1998 Human Ap Cm Sm Su Tc Tp Kf 140 1.8 Ap Cm Sm Su Tc Tp 1.8
Anatum 1999 Sewage Ap Sm Su Tc Tp 1.8
Anatum 1999 River water Ap Su Tc Tp F 1.8
Anatum 1999 River water Su Tc Tp Na < 0.1
Blockley 1999 Human Cm Sm Su Tc F Na < 0.1
Brandenburg 1999 Tropical fishes Cm Su Tc Tp 0.8, 0.2, <0.1
Brandenburg 1999 Tropical fishes Cm Sm Su Tc Tp 1.8
Brandenburg 1999 Poultry Cm Sm Su Tc Tp Gm F Na 120 1.8 Cm Sm Su Tc Tp 1.8
Bredeney 1999 Sewage Sm Su Tc 1.8, 1.0
Derby 1999 Sewage Ap Sm Su Tc 60, 35 1.0 Ap
Heidelberg 1999 Human Ap Sm Su Tc 1.8, 1.0, 0.2
Stanley 1999 Tropical fishes Cm Sm Su Tc Tp 1.8, 1.0

aOutbreak strain.
bNumbers in bold indicate the approximate molecular size of self-transferable resistance plasmids.

Main Article

Page created: April 26, 2012
Page updated: April 26, 2012
Page reviewed: April 26, 2012
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