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Volume 7, Number 5—October 2001

Rapid Emergence of Ciprofloxacin-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae Containing Multiple Gentamicin Resistance-Associated Integrons, the Netherlands

Alex van BelkumComments to Author , Wil Goessens, Cindy van der Schee, Nicole Lemmens-den Toom, Margreet C. Vos, Jan Cornelissen, Elly Lugtenburg, Siem de Marie, Henri Verbrugh, Bob Löwenberg, and Hubert Endtz
Author affiliations: Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

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Table 2

Proportions of ciprofloxacin-resistant Enterobacter spp and Escherichia coli strains resistant to other antibioticsa

E. coli
Antibiotic S (%) I (%) R (%) S (%) I (%) R (%)
Ceftazidime 24 (47) 0 27 (53) 46 (92) 0 4 (8)
Gentamicin 21(41) 6(12) 24(47) 28(56) 0 22(44)
Tobramycin 23 (45) 0 28 (55) 32 (64) 11 (22) 7 (14)
Amikacin 31 (61) 18 (35) 2 (4) 50 (100) 0 0
Cotrimoxazole 0 0 51 (100) 7 (14) 0 43 (86)
Imipenem 51 (100) 0 0 50 (100) 0 0
Colistin 12 (24) 0 39(76) 48(96) 0 0

aThe figures express the absolute number of susceptible (S), intermediate (I) and resistant (R) strains defined according to the 1999 NCCLS Guidelines [22].

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Page created: April 26, 2012
Page updated: April 26, 2012
Page reviewed: April 26, 2012
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