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Volume 9, Number 7—July 2003

Global Screening for Human Viral Pathogens

Norman G. Anderson*Comments to Author , John L. Gerin†, and N. Leigh Anderson‡
Author affiliations: *Viral Defense Foundation, Kensington, Maryland, USA; †Georgetown University Medical Center, Rockville, Maryland, USA; ‡Plasma Proteome Institute, Washington, D.C., USA

Main Article


Schematic representation of a process for systematic discovery of human viruses. The basic process (left vertical series of steps) depends on physical isolation and shotgun sequencing to obtain sequences of frequent and rare viruses. A series of additional steps (right box) can be added to deplete known viruses at two levels, thereby enhancing sensitivity for novel agents.

Figure. Schematic representation of a process for systematic discovery of human viruses. The basic process (left vertical series of steps) depends on physical isolation and shotgun sequencing to obtain sequences of frequent and rare viruses. A series of additional steps (right box) can be added to deplete known viruses at two levels, thereby enhancing sensitivity for novel agents.

Main Article

Page created: December 22, 2010
Page updated: December 22, 2010
Page reviewed: December 22, 2010
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