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Volume 25, Number 1—January 2019

New Multidrug-Resistant Salmonella enterica Serovar Anatum Clone, Taiwan, 2015–2017

Chien-Shun ChiouComments to Author , Yu-Ping Hong, Ying-Shu Liao, You-Wun Wang, Yueh-Hua Tu, Bo-Han Chen, and Yi-Syong Chen
Author affiliations: Centers for Disease Control, Taichung, Taiwan

Main Article

Figure 2

Dendrogram of 36 representative Salmonella enterica serovar Anatum strains from Taiwan, 2004–2017, constructed with whole-genome SNP profiles with 883 SNPs. The complete genomic sequence of Salmonella Anatum strain GT-38 (GenBank accession no. CP013226) was used as the reference for SNP calling. Red, resistant; yellow, intermediate; green, susceptible. Lanes: 1, cefoxitin; 2, cefotaxime; 3, ceftazidime; 4, ertapenem; 5, nalidixic acid; 6, iprofloxacin; 7, gentamicin; 8, ampicillin; 9, chloramphe

Figure 2. Dendrogram of 36 representative Salmonella enterica serovar Anatum strains from Taiwan, 2004–2017, constructed with whole-genome SNP profiles with 883 SNPs. The complete genomic sequence of Salmonella Anatum strain GT-38 (GenBank accession no. CP013226) was used as the reference for SNP calling. Red, resistant; yellow, intermediate; green, susceptible. Lanes: 1, cefoxitin; 2, cefotaxime; 3, ceftazidime; 4, ertapenem; 5, nalidixic acid; 6, ciprofloxacin; 7, gentamicin; 8, ampicillin; 9, chloramphenicol; 10, streptomycin; 11, sulfamethoxazole; 12, tetracycline; 13, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim; 14, colistin. L, lineage; PFGE, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis; SNP, single-nucleotide polymorphism.

Main Article

Page created: December 18, 2018
Page updated: December 18, 2018
Page reviewed: December 18, 2018
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