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Volume 21, Number 10—October 2015

Local and International Implications of Schistosomiasis Acquired in Corsica, France

Philippe GautretComments to Author , Frank P. Mockenhaupt, Frank von Sonnenburg, Camilla Rothe, Michael Libman, Kristina Van De Winkel, Emmanuel Bottieau, Martin P. Grobusch, Davidson H. Hamer, Douglas H. Esposito, Philippe Parola, Patricia Schlagenhauf, and for the GeoSentinel Surveillance Network
Author affiliations: Author affiliations: Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire Méditerranée Infection, Marseille, France (P. Gautret, P. Parola); Aix Marseille Université, Marseille (P. Gautret, P. Parola); Charité–Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany (F.P. Mockenhaupt); University of Munich, Munich, Germany (F. von Sonnenburg); University Clinic Hamburg–Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany (C. Rothe); McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (M. Libman); University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium (K. Van De Winkel); Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium (E. Bottieau); University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (M.P. Grobusch); Boston Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA (D.H. Hamer); Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (D.H. Esposito); University of Zürich Centre for Travel Medicine, Zurich, Switzerland (P. Schlagenhauf)

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Characteristics for 11 international travelers with urinary schistosomiasis diagnosed in 2014 and acquired in Corsica, France*

Patient age, y/sex Reporting site Travel to Corsica
First clinic visit, 2014 Eosinophils, cells/μL Serologic test result
Eggs in urine Infection status†
2014 Before 2014 First-line (antibody titer, IU) Second-line
7/M Berlin, Germany None 2013 Jun 5 1,415 Pos (26.0)‡ ELISA and IHA Neg§ Neg Probable
52/M Berlin None 2012 Jul 18 192 Borderline (11.0)‡ ELISA and IHA Neg§ Neg Suspected
29/F Ghent, Belgium None 2013 Aug 29 560 Pos (1.1)¶ IHA Neg# Neg Probable
17/F Hamburg, Germany July–August None Sep 8 45 Weak Pos** IIFT Neg NT Probable
11/M Munich, Germany None 2013 Sep 22 770 Pos†† IIFT Pos Pos Confirmed
35/F‡‡ Berlin July 2011–2013 Sep 23 202 Pos (17.0)‡ ELISA and IHA Neg§ Neg Probable
35/M‡‡ Berlin July-August 2012–2013 Oct 7 359 Pos (29.0)‡ ELISA and IHA Neg§ Neg Probable
11/M‡‡ Berlin July–August 2012–2013 Oct 7 152 Borderline (9.0)‡ ELISA and IHA Neg§ Neg Suspected
41/F Munich May–June 2007, 2009–2011 Oct 10 344 Pos†† IIFT Pos Neg Confirmed
45/F Montreal, Quebec, Canada July None Dec 5 0 Pos (0.37)§§ ND Neg Suspected
6/F Berlin None 2011–2012 Dec 22 950 Pos (32.0)‡ ELISA and IHA Neg§ Neg Probable

*All patients were detected through a search of the GeoSentinel Surveillance Network (5). The patient from Montreal had microscopic hematuria; none of the other patients showed signs or symptoms of disease, and their infections were found during screening. IHA, indirect hemagglutination assay; IIFT, indirect immunofluorescence test; Neg, negative; ND, not done; NT, not tested; Pos, positive.
†Suspected, borderline result from 1 serologic testing method; probable, positive result from 1 serologic testing method; confirmed, positive result from 2 serologic testing methods and/or parasite eggs in urine.
‡As determined by using a Schistosoma mansoni IgG ELISA (DRG Diagnostics, Marburg, Germany); negative, <9; borderline, 9–11; positive, >11.
§As determined by using an S. mansoni adult or egg IgG ELISA; IHA, Cellognost Schistosomiasis H (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany).
¶As determined by using an in-house S. mansoni IgG ELISA using egg antigen extract mixed with S. mansoni adult worm extract imported from Egypt (positive at an optical density >1).
#As determined by using an in-house IHA with an S. mansoni adult worm extract (Fumouze SA, Levallois-Perret, France), with titration and cut-off set at 1/80 (positive at >1/160).
**As determined by using an in-house S. mansoni cercariae IgG ELISA.
††As determined by using an in-house S. mansoni IgG ELISA.
‡‡Familial cluster.
§§As determined by using an in-house S. mansoniS. haematobium combined IgG ELISA (negative, <0.3; borderline, 0.3–0.35; positive, >0.35).

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1Additional members of the GeoSentinel Surveillance Network who also contributed data are listed at the end of this article.

Page created: September 22, 2015
Page updated: September 22, 2015
Page reviewed: September 22, 2015
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