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Volume 30, Number 3—March 2024

Concurrent Clade I and Clade II Monkeypox Virus Circulation, Cameroon, 1979–2022

Delia D. Djuicy, Serge A. Sadeuh-Mba1, Chanceline N. Bilounga, Martial G. Yonga, Jules B. Tchatchueng-Mbougua, Gael D. Essima, Linda Esso, Inès M.E. Nguidjol, Steve F. Metomb, Cornelius Chebo, Samuel M. Agwe, Placide A. Ankone, Firmin N.N. Ngonla, Hans M. Mossi, Alain G.M. Etoundi, Sara I. Eyangoh, Mirdad Kazanji, and Richard NjouomComments to Author 
Author affiliations: Centre Pasteur of Cameroon, Yaounde, Cameroon (D.D. Djuicy, S.A. Sadeuh-Mba, M.G. Yonga, J.B. Tchatchueng-Mbougua, G.D. Essima, S.I. Eyangoh, M. Kazanji, R. Njouom); Ministry of Public Health, Yaounde (C.N. Bilounga, L. Esso, I.M.E. Nguidjol, S.F. Metomb, C. Chebo, S.M. Agwe, P.A. Ankone, F.N.N. Ngonla, H.M. Mossi, A.G.M. Etoundi); University of Douala, Cameroon (C.N. Bilounga); University of Bamenda, Cameroon (L. Esso)

Main Article

Table 1

Molecular diagnostic and epidemiologic characteristics suspected and confirmed mpox cases in a study of concurrent clade I and clade II monkeypox virus circulation, Cameroon, 1979–2022*

Epidemiologic characteristics MPXV real-time PCR, no. (%)
Crude OR (95% CI) p value
Positive Negative
Total no. (%), n = 137
32 (23.36)
105 (76.64)

MPXV clades
Clade I, n = 12 12 (100.00) NA NA 1
Clade II, n = 18
18 (100.00)

M, n = 74 21 (28.38) 53 (71.62) Referent 0.142
F, n = 62
11 (17.74)
51 (82.26)
1.84 (0.81–4.19)

Minimum 0 0 NA 0.075
1st quartile 8.5 4 NA
Median 21.5 10 NA
Mean 21.69 15.64 1.02 (1.00–1.05)
3rd quartile 32.25 22.5 NA

Age group, y
0–10, n = 66 10 (15.15) 56 (84.85) Referent 0.101
11–20, n = 24 6 (25.00) 18 (75.00) 1.87 (0.60–5.85)
21–30, n = 18 6 (33.33) 12 (66.67) 2.8 (0.85–9.19)
>30, n = 27
10 (37.04)
17 (62.96)
3.29 (1.17–9.24)

Born before 1980
Y, n = 124 27 (45.45) 97 (54.55) Referent 0.092
N, n = 11
5 (21.77)
6 (78.23)
3.07 (0.86–10.88)

Born before 2002
Y, n = 90 16 (17.78) 74 (82.22) Referent 0.025
N, n = 45
16 (35.56)
29 (64.44)
2.55 (1.13–5.77)

Underage/none, n = 29 6 (20.69) 23 (79.31) Referent 0.067
Pupil/student, n = 54 8 (14.81) 46 (85.19) 0.67 (0.21–2.15)
Health worker, n = 4 2 (50.00) 2 (50.00) 3.07 (0.84–11.17)
Farmer, n = 18 8 (44.44) 10 (55.56) 3.83 (0.44- 33.11)
Others†, n = 14
5 (35.71)
9 (64.28)
2.13 (0.52–8.77)

Contact with human case
Y, n = 57 17 (29.82) 40 (70.18) Referent 0.304
N, n = 56 10 (17.86) 46 (82.14) 0.51 (0.21–1.24)
Unknown, n = 3
1 (33.33)
2 (66.67)
0.17 (0.10–13.86)

Contact with animal
Y, n = 37 12 (32.43) 25 (67.57) Referent 0.143
N, n = 69 11 (15.94) 58 (84.06) 0.40 (0.15–1.0)
Unknown, n = 7
2 (28.57)
5 (71.43)
0.88 (0.14–4.93)

Contact with wild or domestic animal
Domestic animal, n = 13 3 (23.08) 10 (76.92) Referent 0.06
Wild animal, n = 13 6 (46.15) 7 (53.85) 2.86 (0.53–15.47)
No contact, n = 69
11 (15.94)
58 (84.06)
0.63 (0.15–2.67)

Travel history
Y, n = 21 5 (23.81) 16 (76.19) Referent 0.831
N, n = 96
25 (26.04)
71 (73.96)
0.89 (0.29–2.67)

Geographic distribution
Adamawa, n = 1 0 1 (100.00) Referent 0.831
Centre, n = 32 11 (34.36) 21 (65.63) 0 to ∞
East, n = 23 3 (13.04) 20 (86.96) 0 to ∞
Far-North, n = 2 0 2 (100.00) 0 to ∞
Littoral, n = 4 1 (25) 3 (75.00) 0 to ∞
North, n = 1 0 1 (100.00) 0 to ∞
North-West, n = 25 6 (24.00) 19 (76.00) 0 to ∞
South, n = 9 1 (11.00) 8 (88.89) 0 to ∞
South-west, n = 39 10 (25.64) 29 (74.36) 0 to ∞
Other‡ 0 1 0 to ∞

*Bold text indicates statistical significance. Some categories might not add to 100% because of missing data. Missing data were not accounted for in the statistical analysis. MPXV, monkeypox virus; NA, not applicable; OR, odds ratio. †Others include teachers, traders, driver or motorbiker, housewife, informal, retired. ‡Equatorial Guinea.

Main Article

1Current affiliation: Maryland Department of Agriculture, Salisbury, Maryland, USA.

Page created: January 18, 2024
Page updated: February 22, 2024
Page reviewed: February 22, 2024
The conclusions, findings, and opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors' affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.